Chill Zone

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Title: Chill Zone
Author(s): Rogue
Date(s): 22 November 1999 / 14 December 1999
Length: 61k / 56k
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars TPM
External Links: Chill Zone, Chill Zone 2: Snow-blower (M&A)

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Chill Zone is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Rogue. It has a sequel, Chill Zone 2: Snow-blower.

Summary: Everyone's favorite Jedi Hotstuffs go walkin' - or rollin', as the case may be - in a Winter Wonderland. Getting cold was never more fun, but makes for wonderful incentive.

Recs and Reviews

PWPs: Chill Zone/ Chill Zone 2 by Rogue. Ah, a break from angst and torture. This is just a sweet series of a vacation in a "winter wonderland." It has lots of romantic stuff, lots of fun and (thank the Force) absolutely zero angst.[1]
