Charming the Hawk

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Title: Charming the Hawk
Author(s): Cindy Combs
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): The Sentinel/MacGyver
External Links: Charming the Hawk

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Charming the Hawk is a Sentinel/MacGyver story by Cindy Combs.

Reactions and Reviews

This is part of Cindy's AU where Blair is MacGyver's son. It is also an xover with Charmed . . . the one with Pru. I like this story because we get to see more of Sam, Mac's other son and Blair's baby brother. She also hints in this story that Sam will be meeting his future sentinel! Yay! Now, only if she would write the story, I'd be completely happy! Mac makes a very brief appearance, but I can forgive her for that because Cindy went on to write one of my favorite M7ATF/TS xovers, Refuge. Oh, and I loved all the flirting going on! It was a great element to the story, and Cindy mixed a predominantly male show with a predominantly female show beautifully. Every character from each show gets to shine in his/her own way. Loved it. [1]
