Charitable Deeds

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Title: Charitable Deeds
Author(s): Emu and 'chelle
Date(s): 28 January 2000
Length: 51k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
Relationship(s): Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
External Links: Charitable Deeds (Master & Apprentice)

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Charitable Deeds is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Emu and 'chelle.

Summary: Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan. Sex. More sex. Still more sex.

Recs and Reviews

Charitable Deeds by Emu and 'chelle. This fic has Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan doing the deed for charity. It's second person, but don't let that dissuade "you." "You" get to direct the action and the whole thing leads up to a broad-smile-worthy ending involving Yoda, but not That Way, in case Yoda is a turnoff. There must be some Qui-Gon/Yoda out there, outside of Compay Segundo, though.[1]

Chariatable Deeds completes a group of humour stories in which their author plays with cliches and smothering them with spot-on characterisation and interesting sex scenes. Watch out for the smart-ass twist at the end concerning the ABH (YOU).[2]


  1. ^ pronker in m_a_recs. Out-Of-Breath (From Laughing) Octet For October , 15 October 2007. (Accessed 29 April 2015)
  2. ^ Padder's Messy Room. Recs. (Accessed 27 November 2015)