Celebrity Marriage Clique

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Related terms: Snapewives, Keeper, Roleplay, Self Insertion
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Marriage Cliques are online communities for married people. They apparently originated from real people marrying other real people, and sharing their experiences and stories. One example is To Have and To Hold.

This branched off into people "virtually" marrying celebrities. An example is The Marriage Clique.

This then offered up the possibility of people "marrying" characters. Marry Me. "This is yet again a marriage clique but instead of getting to marry a celebrity you get to marry a character from your favourite... what ever. This is not for the actors/actresses/writers/singers etc. Only for the imaginary partners to be. If you want to marry a celebrity the only direction that I want to guide you is the one and only celebrity marriage clique valvigirl.net/marriage (all other ones are fake)....Also a little change in the rules. There are no more taken characters. Character can have more than 1 spouse but a spouse cannot have more than one character... "

A fan who created the Addicted to Doggett fan fiction archive had this on and early front page: "John Doggett is my Husband" with a link to Marry Me . [1]

