Blood Claim

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Title: Blood Claim
Author(s): Jungle Kitty
Date(s): 1998
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links: online here

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Blood Claim is an Kirk/OFC, Kirk/Brandt, h/c story by Jungle Kitty.



From the author: "To paraphrase reader comments: Starts out as a traditional Kirk-enslaved story and takes a left turn. A turning point in the Kirk/Brandt relationship. Note: This story contains m/m slash."

Reactions and Reviews

"Blood Claim" is a great story, also dark, in which Kirk's entire universe is turned upside-down. It provides a very touching look at Spock's and Brandt's devotion to Kirk, and realistically portrays Kirk's and Brandt's struggle to reestablish the balance in their relationship.[1]

*This* was definitely a "read-it-again-and-again" story. The emotions of Kirk seem so realistic, so close-to-life, that I really felt with him. And the Blood Claim itself, where Brandt takes his punishment... this is probably one of my absolute favourite K/Brandt stories, Jungle Kitty's done a real fine job with it.[2]
