Black Ice (due South story)

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Title: Black Ice
Author(s): Lady Ana
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Vecchio
External Links: online here
online at AO3

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Black Ice is a Fraser/Vecchio story by Lady Ana.

Reactions and Reviews

This is a bit like a seduction story, this time Ray being in love with Fraser and Benny having to come with that after Ray is outed by a third party. But how he reaches his epiphany is interesting. It's a slow process and we get the emotional before the physical again (though the phyisial is well done) which works very well for this pairing for first times. And there is a strong emotional undercurrent which runs through. [1]


  1. ^ rec post(archived) by aingeal8c, 14 January 2006 at Rec50