Black Ice (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Black Ice
Author(s): LKY
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Black Ice is a Sentinel story by LKY.

The author writes that it was written for a zine that was never published.

Reactions and Reviews

I mostly read slash, but I do have a soft spot for the occasional gen h/c fest, and this one has got all the elements I like: a hurt Blair who's not a fragile wimp, a comforting Jim who's not overly mushy, an engaging mystery, cute banter between the boys, and a deep and profound friendship. My heart was won with this excerpt:

"Jim? Did we... er, snuggle last night?"


"Huh." Blair let that sink in for a second, weighing his craving to be warm against his reluctance to crowd his friend.

He felt Jim roll over. A familiar warm arm snaked around Blair's waist and pulled him back against the delicious warmth.

"Come here. I'll never get any sleep if you shake the bed all night with your shivering."

Blair sighed with pleasure. "Don't care if you respect me in the morning, man. Just make with the heat."

Jim laughed. "Behave yourself, Chief. Go to sleep." [1]


  1. ^ 2010 comments at Crack Van