Billy Batson/Courtney Whitmore

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Pairing: Billy Batson/Courtney Whitmore
Alternative name(s): Shazam/Stargirl, Captain Marvel/Stargirl, Starzam, Starvel
Gender category: Het
Fandom: DC Comics
Canonical?: Canon (Only in New Earth)
Prevalence: Modestly Popular
Billy Batson and Courtney Whitmore kissing by Leonard Kirk (2003)
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Billy Batson/Courtney Whitmore is the het pairing of Billy Batson (Shazam/Captain Marvel) and Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl) in the DC Comics fandom. While only canon in one universe (New Earth), the ship received a cult following, is beloved by DC fans, and grew to be one of the most popular ships for both characters.


In the JSA comic line set in New Earth, Billy Batson and Courtney Whitmore, both 16 year old members of the Justice Society, had a brief romantic relationship with each other between issue #48 and #59. Before dating her, Billy had a secret crush on Courtney. Black Adam (a.k.a. Teth-Adam), ruler of Kahndaq, another JSA member, and a close ally and former enemy of Billy, notice that, but convinces him that she's "out of your league," and that there's better thing to attend to, like his family, Fawcett City, and homework. Sometime later, Courtney and Billy were transported to the alternate realm known as the Shadowlands, where Billy can’t access his powers and is reverts to his true identity. The transformation shocks Courtney, realising that Billy is another teenager in the Justice Society. While the two were traveling together in the Shadowlands, Courtney realized that Billy acts more relaxed and unsure when he’s not an adult superhero. Billy admits that the Wisdom of Solomon does make his adult self overly ethical and later, after discussing about an school test he had in the same day he was fighting Black Adam back when he was evil, discloses both his real age (Which happens to be the same as her) and his name to Courtney, who then started kissing him.

After returning to Earth, Both Billy and Courtney officially began dating. Although there’s one problem; Since Billy and Courtney spend most of their time as superheroes and since he looks like an adult as Captain Marvel, his flirting with Courtney is seen as inappropriate by his teammates (who don’t know his true age). Billy only dated Courtney as his normal teenage, which he prefers. Eventually, Jay Garrick, the original Flash, expresses his concerns to Billy. While tempted to reveal the truth of his secret identity to the others, Billy finds his Wisdom of Solomon prevents him from doing so. Unable to see another option, Billy flies to Courtney’s window and tells her he’s leaving the Justice Society. Despite Courtney begging him to switch back to his true self so he won’t be influenced by the gods empowering him, Billy flies away, breaking up with Courtney before their relationship can become a scandal. Years later, Billy loses his powers and admits his true identity to the Justice Society of America, acknowledging to Courtney that their relationship may have worked out if he’d been honest earlier. Billy and Courtney manage to reconnect, but before their relationship can go anywhere, New Earth was rebooted into the New 52 era, abandoning the ship in the process.



  • Battle Couple - Billy and Courtney are both superheroes.
  • Birds of a Feather
  • Everyone Can See It - Black Adam, Jakeem Thunder, Jay Garrick.
  • Hair Contrast Duo - Billy has black hair, while Courtney has blonde hair.
  • Lookalike Lovers - They're both close to the same height (at least in Billy's normal form), and have blue eyes.
  • One Head Taller - While Billy does appears to be only an inch taller than Courtney, he is a head taller in his Captain Marvel form.
  • Official Couple - Only briefly in one universe.
  • Puppy Love - Billy and Courtney are both teenagers.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension - Other JSA teammates' suspicions (Due to them only seeing Billy as the adult Captain Marvel) was a issue that lead to Billy leaving both the team and Courtney.
  • Relationship-Salvaging Disaster


  • Big Damn Kiss - Their first kiss was immersed in a large spark coming out of Billy's forehead.
  • First Kiss - JSA #48.
  • Friends to Lovers - They were good friend at first, but then after Courtney found out who Billy really is, they escaped the friend zone and began dating.
  • Kissing Discretion Shot - In their first kiss, both Billy and Courtney are a silhouette.
  • Please Don't Leave Me - The upset Courtney tried begging Billy not to leave the JSA.
  • Rescue Romance - JSA #50
  • Working with the Ex - Billy and Courtney later reunited.
  • You Are Not Alone - When they were both in the Shadowlands, where they started falling for each other.

