Beverly Hills

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Title: Beverly Hills
Creator: giandujakiss
Date: 26 November 2008
Format: digital vid
Length: 2:37 min
Music: Beverly Hills by Weezer
Genre: gen vid
Fandom: Merlin
Footage: S1
URL: Beverly Hills (LiveJournal)
Cmva cast 1stPlace giandujakiss.jpg

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Merlin beverlyhills.jpg

Beverly Hills is a Merlin gen vid by giandujakiss (2:37 min). It won first place in the 2008 Camelot Music Video Awards in the categories 'Ensemble/Cast' and 'Humor'.

Summary: There's simply not a more congenial spot for happily-ever-aftering.

Recs and Reviews

It tells a classic tale: Boy leaves the small town where he grew up for the bright lights of the big city. That is, Boy leaves pseudo-medieval peasant village for the bright torches of Camelot.[1]

The opening is awesome, every clip of Arthur is awesome, the way all the knights swing their swords in time with the music is awesome.[2]

cause there's no where else merlin would rather be,*happy sigh* oh this is so wonderful! merlin was only made for cracky stuff like this, it was...[3]


  1. ^ gwynevere1. VID REC: Merlin, 09 July 2009. (Accessed 15 August 2010)
  2. ^ loftily. Just another Merlin rec list, 03 March 2009. (Accessed 15 August 2010)
  3. ^ tearful eye. Vid Recs. (Accessed 15 August 2010)