Beltane Fire

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Title: Beltane Fire
Author(s): prufrock's love
Date(s): 2000
Length: 5,121 words
Genre(s): MSR
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: online here

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Beltane's Fire is an MSR X-Files story by prufrock's love.

From the Header

"File Size: 30 KB

Rating: NC-17

Keywords: Hum... Well, maybe MSR, maybe Mulder/Other and DAL.[1] Always sexual tension. A little Angst, maybe RST. Nobody dies or gets hurt, but one little kid pees his pants. Not a post-ep, or even really a missing scene. Maybe a pre-ep for Requiem? Maybe? Spoilers: Through all things. Interesting background for Requiem, but doesn't spoil it. Summary: Mulder has a very, very good dream. Or does he?

Feedback: no." [2]

Reactions and Reviews

Angst mingles with beautiful imagery of Scully and fertility. Mulder experiences a life-like dream while apart from his partner during all things. What does it all mean? [3]
