Beckett Mariner

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Name: Beckett Mariner
Occupation: Starfleet officer
Relationships: Daughter of Carol Freeman, friend and coworker of Brad Boimler, Sam Rutherford and D'Vana Tendi
Fandom: Star Trek: Lower Decks
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Beckett Mariner is one of the protagonists of Star Trek: Lower Decks.


Mariner is an ensign on the USS Cerritos, with extensive experience in the field. She has been on five different ships, been to a multitude of planets, and survived countless life-threatening situations. However, her competence is undercut by her chaotic nature and lack of respect for Starfleet authority. She takes pride in breaking Starfleet rules whenever possible, and actively sabotages herself to avoid being promoted to a rank above ensign. This is all to the chagrin of some of her fellow crewmates (especially Brad Boimler), and her mother, who is captain of the Cerritos.


As one of the protagonists of the show, Mariner has gotten a lot of fannish attention. As of May 2023, she is a tagged character in just over 350 works on AO3 (the majority of the fandom's total ~500 works), and has appeared in several works on

The two most popular ships in the fandom both involve her; there are over 100 works featuring her and Boimler together, and over 30 on AO3 alone pairing Mariner with her canon girlfriend, an Andorian named Jennifer Sh'reyan. A handful feature Mariner and Jack Ransom as a pairing. Given her status as the series' lead protagonist, she is also featured in many gen works.

Example Fanworks
