Bard Picks

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Recommendation Website
Name: Bard Picks
Reccer(s): multiple
Dates: 1998-1999[1]
Focus: Alt
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
URL: (Wayback)

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Bard Picks is a Xena: Warrior Princess recommendation site. From the main page:

This is a site designed for bards and fans to place reviews of stories that have captured their imagination. It's the "good" reading stop. If you see something you like, please let the reviewer and the author know.[2]

The page includes reviews by Katrina, sHaYcH, Atara, IseQween, Silk, Veesa, M.E. Terrell, CN Winters, Flax, Rook, DebR, DeBonheur, Tranya, El Aurans, Yellowjacket, XFLS, B L Miller, Anima, and Stiletto. There are 25 Bard Pick issues, each issue includes between one and several recs.

From Lunacy's Fan Fiction Reviews: "The site features reviews written by different readers so it is reflective of the many different tastes in Xena fan fiction."[3] Lunacy also wrote about Bard Picks:

1998 also brought new sources for reviews as Katrina began offering her BARD PICKS. Consisting of reviews contributed by different readers, BARD PICKS complemented well my own Lunacy reviews, giving readers the opportunity to read and contribute different opinions about stories.[4]


  1. ^ Based on the update info on the page. The oldest Wayback capture is from 02 November 2000 and already includes all 25 issues.
  2. ^ "Bard Picks". Archived from the original on 2001-11-12. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  3. ^ Lunacy. The Bard's References Library - X:WP Fan Fiction Reviews. (Accessed 30 OCtober 2011)
  4. ^ Lunacy in Whoosh! THE HISTORY OF XENA FAN FICTION ON THE INTERNET, Issue # 25, October 1998. (Accessed 27 October 2012)