Aztec Gold

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Name: Aztec Gold, This is Aztec gold
Date(s): December 2003
Moderator(s): Circe_Tigana
Founder: Circe_Tigana
Type: Writing challenge, Drabble Fest
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Associated Community:
URL: Challenge post at Circe_Tigana's Livejournal; archivelink
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Aztec Gold was a writing challenge in Pirates of the Caribbean fandom, posted by Circe_Tigana on their Livejournal on December 19th 2003, it called for 882 drabbles, one for each piece of Aztec gold in the original movie, by January 1st. The target was reached in only three days.

Challenge Description:

The Goal: Return each one of the 882 plundered pieces of Aztec Gold to the Cave at Isla de Muerta

The Method: Submit as many pieces of Aztec gold you like, in the form of drabbles. Tell the story of your pieces of gold, and how the blood was repaid! Let your friends' list know!

The Deadline: The curse becomes permanent on January 1st, at midday!!! Can we beat it in time and triumph over those pesky Heathen Gods?

The Length/Format: The Code is not so much rules, as guidelines. Aim for 100 words but over or under a bit is absolutely fine. Any format -- poetry, song, prose, whatever -- is welcomed. Just make sure the gold is returned to the chest! If you are posting more than one drabble, please do it in separate posts, so each coin counts.

The Chest: THIS POST. Write your drabble and drop it in the chest, via "post comments"! Come on! Do it for the Gaffer!

**Post drabbles here, no other comments or feedback. If you would like to let the author know you liked their piece (which the Heathen Gods strongly encourage you to do), please let them know in THEIR journal, so as not to confuse the counting process. Or deliver feedback through the Feedback Message Board**

**circe_tigana will drabble the final piece belonging to the Turners.**