Awakening (Star Trek: TOS story by Anna Parrish)

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For similar titles, see The Awakening.

Title: Awakening
Author(s): Anna Parrish
Date(s): 1991
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Awakening is a K/S story by Anna Parrish.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #25.


"Kirk is trained as a whore when he awakens with no memory after being robbed and beaten and mistakes his new owner for the Vulcan he thinks he remembers."

Reactions and Reviews


This had all the ingredients of an excellent story, except originality. I'm afraid I've read one whore/slave story too many. Ksee was a vivid character, and I was sorry that we didn't see more of her once Styxx took Kirk. I had a little trouble believing the doctor on the planet knew ahead of time that Kirk would wake up with amnesia, but that's a minor complaint. A more major complaint -- and one of my personal pet peeves with this type of story -- was that I couldn't believe Spock would stop and have sex with Kirk upon finding him. Surely our logical Vulcan would have been more interested in getting Kirk to safety first. (I realize Spock tried to justify his actions later in the story by saying he was trying to "show how much he cared" by having sex with Kirk, but I still think his top priority at that moment would have been their mutual safety.) This was one of the author's most smoothly-written stories. As with most of her work, it was fast-paced and read quickly. [1]


Full of delightful little insights, as simple as Spock laying his hand on Kirk’s shoulder to reassure him, gives us ample opportunity to savor their harmony, their truth. Carol Marcus is acid. Her jealousy leaps off the pages. She is not a generous person. Demanding of Kirk to give up Spock is cutting him to the bone. Beautifully done. [2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #33
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #23