Avon Calling To The Faithful

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News Media Commentary
Title: Avon Calling To The Faithful
Date(s): May 4, 1990
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Avon Calling To The Faithful is a 1990 article by John Eccles printed in "Tonight."

The topic was the 1990 Blake's 7 convention, Space City.

In true mainstream media fashion, it emphasized the oddness of fans (called "pleasant, middle-aged women" and "pleasant ladies") and how much one enjoyed her breathless kiss with Paul Darrow.

The Article

It was the kind of event where you would expect to see Ming the Merciless discussing earth invasion plans with the Mekon, or Flash Gordon having tiffin with Dan Dare. Costume was optional, but tight fitting cat suits and hipster ray-guns were preferred.

Rumour had it that arch space pirate Kerr Avon, terror of the Federation, heart-throb and star of a successful terrestrial TV series called Blake's 7, was about to materialise among the ranks of his devoted followers. Pleasant, middle-aged women with their names emblazoned on badges were busy rushing about, organising. They were part of the Space City Committee, which is the annual convention of the Avon Fan Club.

"This year is really special," confided one of the pleasant ladies, Sue Chadwick, from Preston, Lancashire. “It's the first time the convention has ever been held in the North West."

Sue, who is secretary of the committee, said she just enjoys watching videoed episodes of the BBC show, but doesn't regard herself as a serious science fiction fan. “I like the social side of it. Everybody is so friendly," she added.

The two other organisers were Liverpool policewoman Sue Christian, from Netherton, and former civil servant Helen Parkinson, from Preston.

About 200 members of the Avon Fan Club descended on the hotel over the weekend during which actor Paul Darrow, his wife actress Janet Lees Price and actor Peter Tuddenham, raised cash for Guide Dogs For The Blind through two auctions of Blake's 7 memorabilia.

The fans came from all over the world, as the SF series, last screened in Britain eight years ago, is now being shown in other countries. The Chester convention included visitors from New Zealand, Australia, Scandinavia, France and America.

In the auction, Dolores Thompson from Philadelphia was walking on Cloud Nine, as she got the chance to have a public smooching session with Avon. I found them locked in a passionate embrace before the ecstatic audience. Her two friends, Carlene Hartel and Susan Conner, had just bid £100 for an Avon doodle, and a long lingering kiss from Paul is part of the prize. Flame-haired Dolores made the most of it. When she has got her breath back she gasped: “He's wonderful! There's no greater actor in the Universe!"

Dolores went on to tell me the Space City Convention has brought her to Britain for the first time. “It's beautiful. I love it and would like to live here. I'm definitely coming back next year."