Ask the Vidder: Fabella (wistful fever)

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Ask the Vidder: Fabella (wistful fever)
Interviewee: Fabella (wistful fever)
Date(s): March 27, 2007
Medium: online
Fandom(s): vidding, Supernatural
External Links: Ask The Vidder - Fabella (spnroundtable); copy
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Fabella (wistful fever) was interviewed in 2007 for Supernatural Roundtable.

Some Excerpts

I tell a story without speaking a word or writing anything down. What am I?

A vidder.

My name is Fabella, though you may know me (if indeed you do) by my livejournal name: wistful_fever. I've been aware of vidding since the late nineties, back when I only lurked, but I couldn't wrap my mind around how these people managed to sync video and audio, and then tell a story with it, and do those nifty effects on top of that. Eventually (and by that I mean eight + years later) I taught myself how and since then I've become more of a vidder than a writer. This is the kind of hobby that takes over your life. I'm twenty one, and I'd much rather be vidding than out at the bar.

If I'm being honest, I've been vidding for about three years now, but I don't like to count the first year and a half or so. You know. Because it was that bad. You have to start somewhere and I really came at vidding blind and flailing. It was a fun way to start. My first video only took me three hours. Videos sometimes take me three or more months to make now, and each one involves much more effort, sweat, and tears. And this makes me happy.

I've vidded in many fandoms over the years, so many I probably couldn't or wouldn't want to list them off the top of my head. I've been known to dabble in everything from Stargate SG-1 to My Own Private Idaho. Half of these videos aren't even in my own personal archives any more. I did keep a few random ones just for sentimental reasons, and I have a JAG video that I never posted tucked under my sleeve just because it's terrible and beautiful and I might want to inflict it on people one day for the fun of it. Supernatural is currently my fandom of choice for vidding. On average, I make one video every two months, and to date, I've made 5 Supernatural videos, and 3 Supernatural RPS (WB/CW RPS) videos. Many of these are either available through my songvids tag at my journal, or can be seen streaming at my imeem page, though a few aren't around because I'm slowly moving through the process of revitalizing them.