As close as it gets to home

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Title: As close as it gets to home
Author(s): AirgiodSLV
Date(s): August 24, 2007
Length: 52,175 words
Fandom: Bandom
External Links: livejournal; AO3

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As close as it gets to home is a Bandom "telepath police consultant AU" by AirgiodSLV.

Reactions and Reviews

this is one of those completely brilliant stories that usually I wait a couple of days before I comment to, because it's just so fantastic that I'm utterly overwhelmed after reading it and can't come up with anything decent to say. But, I'm just going to go ahead and comment anyways!

This was so enthralling! I love (LOVE) every single character in this, like you wouldn't believe. This was fun and entertaining and gorgeous and original and when I read your entry about the dream that sparked this, I was so excited for when I'd finally get to read the story. But this was like a hundred million times better than anything I could have imagined.

I seriously can't even tell you how impressed I am right now. You created this whole world with these characters and they were still all themselves but more (which is why AUs will always be my favorite thing ever).


This is a MUST for Bandom newbies. It's a telepath AU, where Brendon, Spencer and Ryan are telepaths working for the police department. Gerard is their supervisor (also a telepath), Jon is their shrink, and Frank also works for the police. It's perfect for beginners because, besides being an AU (which lends itself well to introducing characters anyway), it gives you a flavor of the larger bandom cast, but doesn't overwhelm you--it's tightly focused on Panic + Frank & Gerard (with a bit of Mikey). Aside from those six (/seven), it has mentions of Ray, Bob, and William, but doesn't try to shoehorn in a million people. Also it's just an amazing, gorgeous podfic of an incredible fic. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR ANYONE, but especially perfect for beginners.



  1. ^ Comment by disarm_d (2007)
  2. ^ Beginners Bandom Podfic List (2012)