As He's In It

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due South Fanfiction
Title: As He's In It
Author(s): Hth
Date(s): 05 October 2004
Length: 1426 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: due South
External Links: As He's In It at Hth's LiveJournal
As He's In It at AO3
As He's In It at Fierce Flawless (archived version)

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As He's In It is a Fraser/Kowalski, past Fraser/Vecchio story by Hth.

Author's Comments

In her 2004 "My Year In Fic" review, Hth names As He's In It as her "easiest story to write" of the year:

Literally, I was stocking the beer cooler at work one night and thinking (you know those arcane pieces of trivia get stuck in your head when you're doing something repetitive) about which side of the bed was the right and which was the left. After I'd wasted some time on that, I thought what I usually think about anything that wanders through my neural pathways, which is, "I wonder if I can use that in a story somewhere?" I had the idea of someone saying "I never understood how that worked," and that it could have this whole second meaning of never understanding how *any* of it worked, bed-sharing and relationships as a whole. And the appropriate character for that seemed to be Fraser, because of his emotional illiteracy and his interest in language. So when I went home I sat down in front of the computer with basically nothing but that in my head, and the whole story just thudded out right then and there. There was one paragraph I had to tinker over for a good twenty minutes (the "did he kiss you?" paragraph), but other than that, I just sat down and did it in one long take and posted it immediately and that was it. No fuss, no muss. And I thought it came out pretty well.

Reactions and Reviews

This is everything I look for in fanfic. A detail that takes you right to the heart of a character (two characters, in fact) and builds a whole life of loneliness around a throwaway detail because it's just that well-observed and psychologically convincing. And a bit of a knife in the heart at the same time - I wouldn't call this angst, exactly, but it's not happy, either. I need another word for loneliness so as not to repeat myself, but since there isn't one I'll just say that this bleeds loneliness. From RayK, ("Ray can't tell if the wildness in his voice is anger or sadness or -- or whatever you call that, that thing that you feel when your wife leaves you and you're completely alone and blaming yourself"), from Fraser, just - this picks a thread that illuminates everything important about Fraser and RayK. Need; jealousy; vulnerability; wanting to know somebody and for them to know you. Every word is poignant and perfect and I am once again piling up the adjectives so you should just read the fic and then I'll stop. [1]

Fraser/Kowalski. It's Hth. It's Fraser/Kowalski, and it's tiny, short, and fucking heart-wrenching and hot as hell at the same time.[2]


  1. ^ deputychairman, 2013 rec at Crack Van, Archived version
  2. ^ "due South Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2023-01-04.