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Title: Aquamarine
Author(s): Jane of Australia
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Aquamarine is a Bodie/Doyle story by Jane of Australia.

It was published in Fantazine #5 in 1993.


Closer to home, two centuries from now, after global warming, the sees have risen up and the earth is a water world. Bodie is a research scientist working on e man-mud a Island paradise; Doyle is his pet project; or, his project and his pet, if you prefer! He is an Aquarian, the first of a new breed of Men, genetically engineered to be able to live and breathe underwater. Doyle will need all his skills and abilities when things start to go wrong. It begins with the theft of a pleasure craft and, acorn-syndrome fashion, explodes from there.

Later Published as Pro Fic

From Mel Keegan's website:

We offer for your consideration the science fiction adventure, AQUAMARINE. This one is set in the warm, wild southern seas of a 'drowned future' where this planet was hit by a comet and ocean levels rose dramatically. AQUAMARINE is exotic in many ways, not merely for its locations but for one of its two main characters. Eric Devlin is an 'Aquarian,' genetically engineered, a child of the future ... able to breathe water as well as air. Once again, a gay book which is driven by gay heroes, thoroughly Mel Keegan style. [1]
