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Fanfiction | |
Title: | Aphelion |
Author(s): | cherryice |
Date(s): | |
Length: | |
Genre(s): | slash |
Fandom(s): | due South |
Relationship(s): | Fraser/Kowalski |
External Links: | online here |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Aphelion is a Fraser/Kowalski story by cherryice.
Author's note: "For the ds_flashfiction "Fuck or Die Challenge." Warning: Character death."
Reactions and Reviews
I had read this story once a long time ago, and revisited for this challenge. Aside from completely breaking my heart, this is so well-written and the imagery is excellent. It almost makes me forgive my heart being ripped out and stomped on. Yes, there is major character death, no, I will not tell you more. Just read. [1]