Anyway, I've Been There

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Title: Anyway, I've Been There
Author(s): Caleb Nova (Caleb_Nova)
Date(s): Published: 2016-03-23
Updated: 2023-02-14
Length: 369,150 words (121+ chapters)
Genre(s): Het, post-canon, adventure
Fandom(s): Gravity Falls
External Links: FFN
AO3, backup

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Anyway, I've Been There is a post-canon Gravity Falls fanfic by Caleb Nova. It follows the Pines Twins after the events of the show. Part 1 (chapters 1-56) covers their school year following the summer of 2012, and eventually brings in Pacifica Northwest, leading to Dipcifica. Part 2 (chapters 57-present) covers the Pines' and Pacifica's return to Gravity Falls for Summer 2013.

The fic is very popular within the Gravity Falls fandom -- it's the first by hit count on AO3[1] and was nominated as a Fandom Classic for International Fanworks Day in 2022.[2]


It's the same place they left, but Dipper and Mabel aren't the same kids who left it. A story of the uneven after: new friends, new family, and the promise of a new tomorrow. (Gradual Dipcifica, Mystery Twins bonding, family ties, weird science, and the Power of Friendship™—anthyding can hadplen!)

Book One: anyway, i've been there (1-56)

Book Two: new summer season (In Progress)

Fandom Response

Reactions and Reviews

Anyway, I've Been There is an all-ages, family friendly continuation of the Gravity Falls story, picking up where the tv-series left off. It mainly follows the twins, but all of your old favourites come back, and a redemption for Pacifica that is wonderful and tear-inducing. This fic is 114 chapters, and is still going strong. The voices of the characters really come through in this work and the story manages to walk that fine line of being both familiar and totally new.

83244genesis [3]

This is the definitive post-canon work for Gravity Falls, IMHO. It cleaves very closely to the feel and flavor of the show, while still being ready and willing to explore the characters to a deeper level than the show had a chance to.

Sonar009 [4]

I do like the trope of the character going through lots of rough change and then finally coming back to their original environment and getting to enjoy how this new and improved personality clashes with it.

[...] Now I'm trying to think of fic I've read where that did happen... - Anyway, I've Been There is a Gravity Falls fic that kind of does this, and does it well. No dimension hopping but the kids return back to normal California after the crazy summer vacation they had and they have to, well, recover.

Laoshi [5]

listen: i wanted another season of gravity falls

and i got it

this… has… truly… been……… one of the most, if not THE most, magnificent gf fanfic i've ever had the honor to read. it really feels like i'm just reading a script of another season. everyone's characterization is on point, the progression of people's relationships and where they'd be a year post-season 2 is all so realistic, but certain things from weirdmageddon still linger, as they should, and as they would.

without going into it too much, dipper and pacifica are also A++++++ here so that's huge

eruriku [6]

Strong storyline, and uses the expectations that the reader comes in with to their advantage

It's one of those that I read when I really need an escape from reality.
The last 4~ chapters are unpleasant to read.


Oparporia [7]

Wonderful beginning. Part 1 is so good it could be a continuation of the show. Starting to drag a little now.

MADnightstar [8]

Why This Must Be Read: Most "Dipcifica" fic is of them in college and it really plays up the belligerent sexual tension . This fic stands out because it continues the story of the show. It deals with what happens after Dipper and Mabel return home from Gravity Falls. What do they tell their parents? How do they relate to their friends? What happens when you go from Weirdmageddon to PE class? Pacifica is presented as living in Malibu when her family isn't summering in Gravity Falls so the question arises, who would she have to turn to while she adjusts to all this too? There are great supernatural encounters. There is amazing sibling support between Dipper and Mabel. We check up on a number of beloved characters. If you love the show and can stomach Dipcifica, it's an amazing read. If you ship Dipcifica, it's a must read.

roofshadow [9]

Recursive Fanworks





  1. ^ Gravity Falls fandom tag on AO3 sorted by hit. Archive snapshot from 10 March 2023.
  2. ^ inclusion in the IFD collection, nomination comment, Archived version by 83244genesis.
  3. ^ Comment on International Fanworks Day news post, Archived version by 83244genesis. Post 15 February 2022. Archived 9 March 2023.
  4. ^ AO3 Bookmark by Sonar009, Archived version. Posted 19 August 2022. Archived 9 March 2023.
  5. ^ Message link -- conversation in the Cauldron discord server. Posted 1 June 2021.
  6. ^ AO3 bookmark by eruriku. Posted 17 April 2019.
  7. ^ AO3 bookmark by Oparporia. Posted 18 February 2018.
  8. ^ AO3 Bookmark by MADnightstar. Posted 19 January 2020.
  9. ^ Gravity Falls, 1 Rec - Pacifica Northwest/Dipper Pines, Archived version rec by roofshadow. Posted to het-reccers on 7 July 2017. Archived 29 October 2020.