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Title: Anyone
Author(s): Gentrychild
Date(s): April 26, 2019-
Length: 240k+ words, Ongoing
Genre(s): Crack Treated Seriously, Villain AU
Fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia
External Links: AO3

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Anyone is a BNHA fanfic by Gentrychild.


Imagine a world where your quirk determines your path and your worth. A world that has no place for a quirkless boy.

Despite that, Izuku is determined to become a hero. Until he realizes no one will let him.

So he accidentally creates a helpful (criminal) organization.

And he (not so) accidentally steals One for All.

May contain Izuku technically becoming a villain but still helping people, All Might running around like a headless chicken to find his stolen quirk, and All for One refusing to just go away.

AO3 Summary

Fan Reviews and Responses

Anyone has over 13,000 comments at AO3 as of mid-2023.

Archive of Our Own

I was legitimately shocked when I got to how Izuku received OFA and then I laughed. More like cackled, really. I love my pro-Might stories, but I like the rarer instances in which All Might experiences, more or less, karma for his hypocrisy/lack of compassion? toward Izuku featured in ep.1. Or something. I'm putting this in the latter category.

deleted user

I keep coming back to this story, over and over again. Even when I know the beats by heart it still manages to pull me in.

I’ve been trying to figure out what about it is so compelling, what made me fall in love with it for the first time....

I think in the end it comes down to two scenes: one in the first chapter, with Izuku on his school’s roof, waiting, and in the second when Shouto first meets him.


Recursive Fanworks


