Another Swim

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Title: Another Swim
Author(s): Joann Humby
Date(s): June 1997
Genre(s): MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links:
Another Swim, Archived version

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Another Swim is an X-Files MSR story by Joann Humby.

Synopsis: "Mulder Scully romance or something? This takes us from Elegy to Demons in a way that the show is unlikely to depict. This is not a heart and flowers story, it's dark in here. Rated R for sex and language."

Reactions and Reviews

Today’s author, Joann Humby, is a mainstay in the fandom, and her writing is impeccable. Exquisite, even. And today’s fic perfectly typifies that. She effortlessly switches from Scully’s first person POV to Mulder’s, and the angst is actually almost too much.

This is a post-ep for Elegy, which, if you recall, was a foreshadowing of Scully’s cancer and imminent death. That’s a difficult, angsty subject to tackle. And today’s author does it perfectly.

Do you ever wish you could crawl inside Mulder and Scully’s heads and hear their thoughts broadcasted? With this fic, you actually feel as though that’s possible. What a masterpiece. What an incredible story we wish we could have seen and heard through our heroes. Enjoy, loves.[1]
