Another Suntan Week

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Name: Another Suntan Week
Date(s): 5-11 November 2023
Founder: crytterz, Dukietine
Fandom: OMORI
Associated Community:
URL: Prompt List
The heading reads, "Another Suntan Week". Below it is the date, "November 5 - November 11". Below that is the hashtag, "#anotherstweek". The prompts are, "Day 1: Familiarity/Waiting; Day 2: Touch Starved; Day 3: Ready to Fight; Day 4: Sneaky; Day 5: Memory Lane/Lost Library/Calendar; Day 6: Shock; Day 7: Forgiveness + Kel's Birthday". In the bottom left corner is a drawing of Kel dragging along Sunny while saying, "Let's go!"
The prompt list for Another Suntan Week.
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Another Suntan Week is a week long event for the Kel/Sunny (Suntan) ship in OMORI. The prompt list was created by crytterz and Duckietine on Twitter. It ran from 5-11 November 2023.[1]

The prompts are:

  • Day 1: Familiarity/Waiting
  • Day 2: Touch Starved
  • Day 3: Ready to Fight
  • Day 4: Sneaky
  • Day 5: Memory Lane/Lost Library/Calendar
  • Day 6: Shock
  • Day 7: Forgiveness & Kel's Birthday
  1. ^ Miles (@crytterz), "OKAY!!! HERE WE GO... me and @Duckietine wanted to give everyone ANOTHER SUNTAN WEEK to join in on the extra ship week fun!!! It's a little ways away, but more time to prepare!!! the dates now are between November 5-11th!!! the hashtag will be #anotherstweek ^_^ HYPE HYPE," Twitter, 5 May 2023,