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An Interview with Fan Fiction Bard, LZ Clotho

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Interviews by Fans
Title: An Interview with Fan Fiction Bard, LZ Clotho
Interviewer: Amy Murphy
Interviewee: LZ Clotho
Date(s): 2000
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Xena: Warrior Princess
External Links: full interview is here, Archived version
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An Interview with Fan Fiction Bard, LZ Clotho is a 2000 interview at Whoosh!.

Some Excerpts

I started writing XWP fan fiction when the idea for "History Cast in Amber" occurred to me. I was spending a week in the hospital with my son who had contracted pneumonia, and I spent night after day after night not sleeping. My husband had brought by a tape of XWP episodes. I had just started regularly taping them regularly. It had GIANT KILLER (27/203), DESTINY (36/212), THE QUEST (237/213), and A NECESSARY EVIL (38/214) on it, I remember. All four are still high among my personal favorites. I spent the first half of the night watching tapes and the second half of the night writing the first 25 or so pages of "History". I also jotted out the short-short story "Horse Thieves" that night too, just to get a feel for the characters. I finished "Home" about two weeks later, but didn't think about putting it on the web for almost four months. Bat Morda helped me make the jump to the web.

[When did you start your own WebPages for stories?]: Pretty much right from the beginning. I wasn't on many lists back then and didn't have any other way to share them. I knew about the archive sites, but no one responded when I asked if they wanted to put it up at their site. So, since I have a little HTML knowledge and needed the practice anyway, I threw something together and just started keeping it there, all in one place, easy to maintain (and to update with edited drafts from time to time too; I'm always going back and noticing editing problems).

I started out writing exclusively general fiction, then a story idea occurred to me and it required some sexual content, so I guess I switched over to alternative fiction about a year later, with "New Territory." My story ideas end up dictating the amount of content. Some people really think that "History Cast in Amber" was an alt story, without the sex. I hope all my stories convey the intensity, the devotion, and the commitment I see in the Xena/Gabrielle relationship.

I used to read a lot more [other fan fiction stories] than I do now. It's somewhat the quality, somewhat the content (I am not a fan of the most recent seasons of XWP), and somewhat the time dwindling I have to devote to such things. I have two favorite authors I check up on regularly: Missy Good and Trish Shields.