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Date(s): July 22, 1996 – April 18, 2020 (last update)
Moderator: ?
Type: Xena fans
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. is a Usenet mailing list discussion of bisexual subtext of Xena TV Show.


It is not known for sure who created atx-s, but according to the first message between Jerry and Red, is possible can estimate the date it was founded:

[Jerry Dallal]

Jul 22, 1996, 7:00:00 AM

This newsgroup was not my doing, and it has appeared at my site *for the moment*. However, as far as I can tell, its creation did not follow Usenet protocol and is at risk of being declared bogus and rmgrp'd.

It's an interesting idea--trying to filter away the material that has caused stress in atx. I hope it works. My only concern is that if it does not propagate, the material will continue to be posted to atx as the only outlet available for people who wish to discuss subtext. For that reason, there might have been a greater guarantee of success by leaving subtext to atx and creating a non-subtext group, but we shall see.

I recommend that the creator review the procedures outline in alt.config to learn what to do to make atx-s fall within accepted guidelines.[1]

[Jerry Dallal]

Jul 22, 1996, 7:00:00 AM

I wrote:

This newsgroup was not my doing . . .

The dangers of cross-posting. 'This newsgroup' refers to If you're reading this in atx and your reader is set to display brief headers, you might understandably think I was referring to atx. Sorry 'bout that.

[Red Sonja]

Jul 24, 1996, 7:00:00 AM

Actually I read it in both. :) So who *did* start this ng?


  1. ^ "For the moment". 1996-07-22. Archived from the original on 2022-03-22.