All The Rest Is Silence

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Title: All The Rest Is Silence
Author(s): Dorothy Elggren
Date(s): 6/27/1996 (posted to FKFIC-L)
Length: novelette
Genre(s): drama, Last Knight Story
Fandom(s): Forever Knight
External Links: All the Rest Is Silence

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"All The Rest Is Silence" is a Last Knight story by Dorothy Elggren. Set after the events of the final episode of Forever Knight, it accepts the tragic conclusion, and looks at the logical consequences. As the author put it in her notes:

This takes place immediately after Last Knight, but it's not a rewrite of the ending. This is about the debris left behind. It solves no mysteries, it answers no questions. It just is. Those left behind are victims just as much as those who are gone. This is for them as well as for us. If you are in denial, you might not want to read this.

Plot Summary: When Nick fails to answer his phone for over a day, a squad car is dispatched to investigate. The loft is found empty—except for traces of blood and ash, and a carved stake. Inevitably, an investigation ensues into the mysterious double disappearance of Nick Knight and Natalie Lambert. The story largely follows events from the perspective of Capt. Joe Reese, Nick's boss.

Besides being posted to FKFIC-L, the story was also published in Amantes de la Noche No. 2. There is a sequel, "Silent Echoes"; and "Out of the Silence" completes the trilogy.

"All The Rest Is Silence" was nominated for a Forever Knight Fan Fiction Award in 1997 in the Historic Novelette category, and won in the same category the following year.

"All The Rest Is Silence" is recommended on both Soleiltropiques and Crack_Van (accessed 15 Dec 2010).