All Shapes of Hunger, Teenagers and Fanfiction

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Title: All Shapes of Hunger, Teenagers and Fanfiction
Commentator: Rebecca C. Moore
Date(s): April 2005
Medium: VOYA
Fandom: Harry Potter
External Links: All Shapes of Hunger, Teenagers and Fanfiction (Wayback)
All Shapes of Hunger.png
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All Shapes of Hunger, Teenagers and Fanfiction is an article with a Harry Potter focus about fanfiction and what it means for young readers and writers. It covers everything from inspiration, writing mechanics, feedback, sexuality, connection and community to copyright issues and philosophy.

The article begins with a quote from Underwater Light, features a few pieces of Harry Potter fanart, a comprehensive glossary, and the cited websites include, The Sugar Quill, FictionAlley and LiveJournal.