Alfhildr Enginnsdóttir

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Name: Alfhildr Enginnsdóttir
Occupation: former Viking shield-maiden, multi-temporal police recruit
Relationships: Lars Haaland, Tore Hund, Urðr Sighvatsdóttir
Fandom: Beforeigners
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Viking Age Alfhildr by Rafi on tumblr (2021)

Alfhildr Enginnsdóttir is a former Viking shield-maiden in the service of Tore Hund and multi-temporal police recruit in Oslo who faked her CV in order to be able to join the force. She is a protagonist in the Norwegian TV show Beforeigners.


In season 1, Alfhildr is a fresh police recruit in Oslo. She is also the first multi-temporal police recruit to be employed in Norway. Her police partner is Lars Haaland, a by-the-book senior officer who, at first, isn't too happy to have a time migrant as his partner.

In season 2, Alfhildr and Lars investigate a series of brutal murders in Oslo. At the end of the season, it is not only revealed that Alfhildr is a time migrant who travelled both ways, but also that she and Lars are siblings.

Alfhildr is portrayed by Finnish actress Krista Kosonen.[1]



Alfhildr is so right to assault her rapist in the bathroom of a porridge shop yes it was 1000 years ago but he still deserves to have his nose bitten off go off girl you deserve it <3

official-rolli-und-rita on tumblr (October 9, 2022), Archived version


Alfhildr Enginnsdóttir by themagicm on tumblr (2022)


Greetings! by Rafi (2022)




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