Aircraft Landing

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Title: Aircraft Landing
Author(s): Mary Louise Dodge
Date(s): 1976
Genre(s): gen
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Aircraft Landing is a Star Trek: TOS story by Mary Louise Dodge.

It was published in Delta Triad #3.

Reactions and Reviews

Romp. A reluctant Scott has to speak to a graduating class of engineers, but then celebrates late so that Kirk and McCoy come hunting him, arriving just in time to see him demonstrate the traditional graduation stunt of making a flying belly-flop on the bar table with two beers, swinging round and landing on one's feet. [1]

'Aircraft Landing' by Dodge is a little gem of a Scott story. If you college ever has a traditional graduating stunt, you will really emphasize with this one. [2]

'Aircraft Landing' is a Scotty-gets-shore-leave story. It has no real tale to tell, but it's fun, I suppose. [3]

Aircraft Landing is an amusing Scotty story, that does not, at all, end in the direction it infers (unless, of course, you know something of airforce traditions). [4]
