Adjustments (The Charioteer story)

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Title: Adjustments
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 22 January 2011
Length: 1010 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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Adjustments is a short story by fawatson based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It describes Laurie's first night at his new boarding school. (In writing the story, the author assumes that Laurie did not go away to prep school, but first boarded when he was twelve.)


Having trouble getting to sleep in a strange bed, Laurie thinks back over the events of the last few weeks—all the preparations for his departure to school, and the novelty of the first day.


The story was written for the 2011 Unwritten Charioteer Writing Project (Chapter Two).


"Adjustments" elicited a number of comments, including:

  • "I enjoyed this very much. I've always thought it would be terrifying to go to a place like that, but in Laurie's case I'm sure he'd have been well primed beforehand. The 'family school' attended by his uncle and grandfather, perhaps? Going to school would have been as much a rite of passage as being allowed to wear long trousers for the first time."—comment by essayel
  • "Beautifully written! I can just picture Laurie and his great-uncle walking around Harrogate looking for his cricket bat!"—comment by fanged_geranium