Across the Well of Time

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Title: Across the Well of Time
Author(s): Marion McChesney
Date(s): 1988
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Across the Well of Time is a Blake's 7 story by Marion McChesney.

It was published in Powerplay #2.

Reactions and Reviews

and again - this is a perfectly ok fic about the time that blake thought he'd got some rebels, but actually one of them was a spy and also avon's brother. it's easy to read and basically ok, but doesn't do very much for me. i quite like that at the end vila is like 'blake, we have to lie to avon and tell him that his brother wasn't a spy'.... shady morality, and also liking for people. some stuff that i enjoy. but anyway - basically, i didn't give me ALL THE FEELS OMG. but if that's the worst i can say about it? then we're doing ok. well done 'powerplay' 2! you were a good time.[1]


  1. ^ Aralias reviewed this zine in 2013 on Dreamwidth, Archived version