A Trip to Vulcan

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Title: A Trip to Vulcan
Author(s): Karla Kelly
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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A Trip to Vulcan is a Kirk/Spock story by Karla Kelly.

It was published in the print zine KaleidoScope #1.


"Cadet Picard is given the honor of attending the ceremony honoring Kirk and Spock's bonding."

Reactions and Reviews


A cadet Picard goes to Vulcan to witness Admiral Kirk and Spock in a bonding ceremony in this signature short story by Kelly. I really enjoyed the ceremony's words, combining the series and movies with lines such as: "'I am now and ever shall be yours, from the end of time till it begins again."

Very nice use of a young Picard, especially with his conversation with Sarak about wines.

Lovely, rather poignant ending as Picard leaves the older Kirk and Spock together, framed by the stars. [1]

Picard (yuk) meets Sarek at Kirk & Spock's wedding. Almost avoided reading this one since I don't like next gen, but it isn't too bad. Picard's pompousness isn't overly annoying for a change (isn't trying to sell Vulcan on GTE yet). [2]


I'm glad to get this version of what Picard meant by that statement in the TNG episode that he had met Sarek at his son's wedding. Of course that statement always bothered me, so I thank Karla for clarifying the matter.

Cadet Picard is part of the honor guard at Kirk and Spock's wedding—actually more of a ceremony honoring their existing bond. Nice idea. [3]


  1. ^ from Come Together #4
  2. ^ from Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (October 4, 1994)
  3. ^ from Come Together #16