A Test of Pride

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Title: A Test of Pride
Author(s): Joyce Tullock
Date(s): 1982
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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A Test of Pride is a Star Trek: TOS story by Joyce Tullock.

It was published in the print zine Enter-comm #5.

Reactions and Reviews

Shortly after McCoy's reactivation and the V'Ger affair, the doctor is sent on loan to an archaeological team - which then abandons him for dead in a flooded city. Kirk agonizes over having dragged McCoy away from home and to his death. It is Spock who urges optimism, and Chekov who finally finds the doctor, who has survived by using himself as bait to kill and eat the local blood-sucking fauna. Excellent characterization all around and a good combination of adventure story and relationship dilemma.[1]
