A Study in Star Trek

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Title: A Study in Star Trek
Author(s): Margaret Draper
Date(s): 1975
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS/Doctor Who
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A Study in Star Trek is a gen Star Trek: TOS story by Margaret Draper.

It was published in Alnitah #2 and Alnitah Omnibus #1.


A Star Trek/Sherlock Holmes/Dr. Who tale, a sort-of sequel to "Cold Snap".

Reactions and Reviews

Star Trek / Sherlock Holmes / Dr. Who romp. Somebody (Moriarty, using a phone booth) has been going back in time to prevent humans from discovering dilithium. This necessitates Spock going to 19th century London where, naturally, he becomes Sherlock. Very nicely crafted, with several entertaining subplots going on behind the Sherlock story - ties over from “Cold Snap” in that throughout this story, Sulu keeps trying to hear the joke Chekov told to Spock (to keep him awake) about the little old lady from Leningrad and the 15 rabbits; also Scotty trying to court Carolyn Palamas, who is totally disinterested.[1]


  1. ^ "Karen Halliday's Zinedex". Archived from the original on 2016-10-02.