A Report on Damage Done by One Individual Under Several Names

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Title: A Report on Damage Done by One Individual Under Several Names
Commentator: Laura J. Mixon
Date(s): November 6, 2014
Medium: online
Fandom: SF Fandom
External Links: online here (includes lots of links and follow-up posts). PDF here.
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A Report on Damage Done by One Individual Under Several Names, also known as the Mixon Report, is a controversial investigative report by Laura J. Mixon that was posted to her blog. It won Mixon the 2015 Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer.

The subject of the report is a long-term pattern of behaviour from Benjanun Sriduangkaew, who once ran the hate blog Requires Only That You Hate.

Mixon's introduction to the report provides a brief summary:

Friends, the tl;dr of this very long, comprehensive, analytical report is that up-and-coming John W. Campbell nominee Benjanun Sriduangkaew (who is also rage-blogger Requires Hate, who is also several other internet personalities including Winterfox, pyrofennec, acrackedmoon, and others) (oh yes, the list goes on), is VERY BAD NEWS.

In the years following the report's release, Mixon encountered first issues with hosting the full, unabridged report on her website, and later a problem with her web host that resulted in her website going offline permanently. Mixon reposted the original report, including the full version of both appendices, on 31 August, 2021.[1]


  • Introductions
  • What's this all about?
  • Linkage; getting up to speed
  • Throat clearing and report parameters
  • Executive summary
  • Requires Hate/ Benjanun’s targets
  • Demographic analysis
  • Requires Hate/ Benjanun’s attacks and impacts
  • Wrapping it up
  • APPENDIX A – Rules for Inclusion
  • APPENDIX B – Database

Follow Up Posts

  • 14 Feb 2015 - Requires Hate Follow-up, Three Months Later: Are We Past the Winter(fox) of our Discontent?
  • 6 Apr 2015 - About that Hugo Nomination...
  • 13 Apr 2015 - Standing in the Borderlands of Discourse
  • 1 May 2015 - Yes. But.
  • 10 May 2015 - Double Vision: Our Conflicting Nerdish Legacies


Benjanun Sriduangkaew has established herself over the past two years as a well-liked and talented newer writer. As a lesbian Thai woman, she identifies as a member of a highly marginalized community, and there has been quite a bit of excitement in progressive circles around her rise in popularity as a short story writer. She has been publishing SFF since 2012 and is a John W. Campbell nominee for 2014.

In September 2014 she was publicly revealed as Requires Hate, a controversial rage-blogger. Thai blogger Requires Hate appeared on the scene in mid-2011, and has built her reputation primarily by publishing vitriolic reviews of various writers’ books. She has ruffled a lot of feathers, but she too has her advocates: progressives (among them people I hold in high regard), who appreciate that—despite her sometimes over-the-top rhetoric—she unapologetically speaks up for people of color and queer/LGBTQI people, calling out racist, homophobic, misogynist content in many popular SFF novels and stories.

Our genre has always had a soft spot for sharp-tongued souls. The person who speaks embarrassing truths has an honored—if discomfiting—place at the dinner table, in our SFF Island of Misfit Toys. Though some dislike the extreme rhetoric she uses in her reviews and on Twitter, Requires Hate has shown a deft way with words, and has been promoted as a contender for a Hugo award for some of her blog posts.

What has also become clear in recent weeks is that Benjanun, in the roles of Requires Hate and her other known pseudonyms (including Winterfox, acrackedmoon, ACM, pyrofennec, Valse De La Lune, valsedelune, and Lesifoere), has a decade-plus history of destructive trolling behavior in online SFF and videogaming communities, going back to at least 2003.


External Links

See also

Related Concepts, Fandoms, Terms, Fanworks
See also Cyberbullying and FandomPuppygateGamergateRacefailVictoria BitterMsScribe


  1. ^ On the Record: An Archive of Harm Done by One Individual Under Several Names by Laura J. Mixon (Aug 31, 2021). Blog post sharing a link to the full, unabridged PDF of the original report. (archive link)