A Night at the Operett

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Name: A Night at the Operett
Date(s): September - October 2015
Moderator(s): Carmarthen, drcalvin
Founder: Carmarthen, drcalvin
Type: Gift Exchange
Fandom: musical theatre fandoms - Budapesti Operettszínház productions
Associated Community: magyarmusicalexchange on Tumblr
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A Night at the Operett is a fanfiction and -art exchange for Hungarian musical theatre fandoms, currently limited to Budapesti Operettszínház productions.

A Night at the Operett is a small fanfiction and fanart exchange for Budapesti Operettszínház musicals and operettas, running September - October 2015. Eligible shows include Elisabeth, Rómeó és Júlia, Mozart!, Szentivánéji álom (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Rebecca, Ördögölő Józsiás, Párizsi élet (La vie parisienne), A Csárdáskirálynő, Csínom Palkó, and more!

Exchange participants will be matched based on their signups and must complete a 500-word minimum story or at least a clean sketch for their recipient. For more info, check out magyarmusicalexchange.