A Minor Conspiracy

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Title: A Minor Conspiracy
Author(s): Steve Eramo and Pat Brimer
Date(s): January 1979
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Space:1999
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A Minor Conspiracy is a Space: 1999 story by Steve Eramo and Pat Brimer.

It was published in Alpha Newsletter #18.

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2942 days after leaving Earth orbit--Alien children--Janis and Civita--who are really like our adults make all the main staff of Moonbase Alpha sick for a bit so that they can see what will happen when the secondary people take over. Mathias, Nurse Karrie Ford, Maya, Tony, Weapons Officer Uri Petrov, his aide Dan Carllson, Kate Matthews, Yasko Nugami, Bill Fraser, pilot Lee Jenson appears to die but doesn't, Garrick is another pilot, Alien Malan of the planet Loros stop the children, the alien kids made Alpha under attack--all an illusion.[1]


  1. ^ SPACE: 1999 CHRONOLOGY, Archived version, by Chase, March 25, 2008