A Matter of Faith

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Title: A Matter of Faith
Author(s): Obi-Fan
Date(s): 31 July 2001 (archiving date)
Length: 9 parts
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: http://jafd.nsio.net/archive/obifan/faith.html (defunct, Jedi Apprentice: Fan Dimension)
A Matter of Faith (Jedi Council Forums)

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A Matter of Faith is a Star Wars: The Phantom Menace gen story by Obi-Fan. It was posted in 2000 to the Jedi Council Forums and was the featured fic for August 2001 at the Jedi Apprentice: Fan Dimension.

Summary: When Qui-Gon is captured on a solo mission, will Obi-Wan's self-doubt prevent him from coming to his Master's aid?

Recs and Reviews

Today I'd like to recommend A Matter of Faith by Obi-Fan. This is a gen story set within the Jedi Apprentice timeline, between JA books 8 and 9. Obi-Wan is 13, and he has just returned to the Temple from Melida/Daan. He has much to learn about himself and Qui-Gon, and still has to prove to himself and the counsel that he is ready to come back into the Jedi Order.

This story by Obi-Fan is well-written, with an elegance that is missing in the JA books themselves. I liked the relationship between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon very much. Obi-Wan is very humble despite all his accomplishments, and through the story he learns to appreciate his own worth as Qui-Gon appreciates him. He learns to have faith in himself. Very satisfying.

A Matter of Faith is archived at the Jedi Apprentice: Fan Dimension site, which is a beautiful site dedicated to fanfiction based during the JA series of books. Of course, none of the stories are slash, but many of them are very good. And the archive is well worth a visit. Enjoy![1]


  1. ^ Jan. Jan and June's Slash Recommendations: Slash Weblog, 30 October 2001. (Accessed 29 December 2015)