A Forever Thing

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Title: A Forever Thing
Author(s): ellenscult
Date(s): Published: Dec. 23rd, 2010
Length: 21857 words
Genre(s): slash/shmoop
Fandom(s): NCIS
External Links: A Forever Things at LJ: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
A Forever Thing at AO3
A Forever Thing at FFN

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A Forever Thing is a Gibbs/DiNozzo marriage of convenience fic by ellenscult, which was initially posted on Dec. 23rd, 2010 for the LiveJournal Tibbs_Yuletide 2010 Advent Calendar, Day 23. The author then posted the fic to Fanfiction.net on Dec 25, 2010 and to ArchiveOfOurOwn on Dec 30, 2010.

As of 11 December 2016, the fic has combined 93 comments between all three parts posted to Livejournal; 128 reviews, 638 favs and 75 follows on FFN; and 59 comments, 1356 kudos, 394 bookmarks and 22738 hits on AO3.


Tony's running out of time to claim his trust fund. Gibbs steps in to help.


I saved this as being a three parter I didn't want to rush it late at night while I was feeling so crap [I have a really heavy cold at the moment and have been working pretty late up to Christmas]. This was such a wonderful story, I loved the way that almost from the start they were a married couple, just without the sex - without really even realising it, I wondered how long it would take before they realised they really did love each other. It was so sad that Tony had planned a romantic meal and Gibbs didn't realise it was for him, but at least it brought their feelings to the surface, and I just loved the ending, this was such a perfect story, thank you![1]

This was great, wonderful and made me want more when it was done!

I love them doing it for the oh-so-practical reasons but beneath it all there was the impractical emotional needs and wants.

I love the slip-ups and the cover-ups and those being 'in the know' and I love Abby, McGee and Ziva trying to figure out the truth.

Most of all I love Tony and Jethro finally figuring out what they really wanted.

thanks for sharing this - it was lovely and I want more! in this 'verse![2]

Loved it even though I read it back to front the first time - don't left but somehow I clicked on part 3 first and didn't realise I was going backwards until half way through part 2, as I originally thought it was a flash back :-( So- re-read the right way round[3]


Sorry about the excessive squeeing there, but truly, this is now one of my all-time favourites and I cannot begin to truly express my utter joy in reading this fic, but I will endeavor to do so ;-)

Firstly, there is just not enough of harlequin-esque type romance in this fandom. I say this because the other major fandom I'm into is Stargate:Atlantis, and that does throw the curve slightly due to the staggering quantity, quality and variety of fic in it's sandbox.

And of course there are some great NCIS romance fics out there (this fandom also being blessed by some amazing writers), but very few hit this type so pitch perfectly.

I do love the slow progression of Tony and Gibbs' relationship from two friends entering into a marriage of convenience into the comforting companionship that develops through to their discovery that they are right for each other.

I also adore how Jackson not only takes it totally in stride but is so on the ball when it comes to the lawyer lady checking up on them. Only to be expected really, considering he is Gibbs' father ;-)

And the bet that the Sec Nav and Vance have together is made of WIN!

So thank you once more for writing this wonderful fic, it was truly one of the best christmas presents!

I wish a wondrous and happy New Year and hope that 2011 brings you much joy![4]

One of my latest favourite when it comes to NCIS fic - have read and re-read about four or five times by now. I adore the marriage-of-convenience turning into real love and romance thing so much![5]

I can't believe I haven't commented on this one yet. I, too, have read it about ELEVENTY BILLION TIMES! and every time I see it, I read it again, cuz it's good. :D Also, I've subscribed to your stuff, cuz there's only one of your fandoms I'm not interested in. Everything else, YUM.[6]

I swear I stalk this fic. I can't tell you how many times I've read it now. I love accidental marriage fics and this one goes way beyond, given that both of them did it knowingly. They didn't expect to fall in love with other when the reality is, they were already THERE. Otherwise Gibbs never would have made the offer in the first place, and Tony wouldn't have accepted. At least that's my opinion. The fact that they lived so harmoniously together even before they were married says it all. Tony *gets* Gibbs in ways that I'm not even sure Shannon did. But her Jethro was vastly different to the man Tony married. As for Tony? Jethro gives him what he never knew existed: unconditional acceptance. It is SO HARD to get through to someone who has never had that as a child. As an adult, they usually look only for the worst to happen. (My girlfriend was raised by an uncaring mother) I just can't say enough about this fic. It's in my top five NCIS favs and given how prolifically I read, that's saying a lot.[7]

This is the very first NCIS slash I have read. I do believe I am hooked thanks for such a great, fluffy story![8]

Love this! Its my first NCIS fic and I only occasionally watch the show but I really enjoyed it :) one of my favorite tropes is the whole fake marriage turns real thing so that made this awesome to read! I do think your should add the marriage of convenience to the tags though. You only have "secret marriage" and I know people use tags to find new fics on here, I will often do a tag search for fake marriage and find all the best ones I that category. So I bet there are people missing out on your awesome fic![9]

This is incredibly well-paced and well-written, and I have enjoyed it for the second time. I loved the way an almost jokey premise was actually a very sweet love story, and that that was clear from the beginning. You allowed Gibbs' feelings especially, to be seen along the way, but it was always just enough, it never jumped ahead of the story. I loved the speculations by the Team, the outings and semi-outings, the bet between Vance and SecNav. That was a fresh choice, and I got it because it reflects the fact that these two men are managers - they observe from on high, seeing more and seeing it differently. Similarly for Ducky and Jack: I loved that the old fellas just rolled with it, patient, encouraging, and wise. The hospital, the bedroom, and the birthday were very affecting. The only thing that bothers me, not about your writing, but about Tibbs, is that these two amazing guys are each so uncomfortable with the idea of their own happiness! But it is part of what makes them who/what they are, and such a great ship. I LOVED everybody coming to the courthouse. And "Forever this time." Lovely read, thank you! [10]

I must say, that with the whole "must marry or won't get money" scenario, I had been afraid this story would end up as one of those "just for a few giggles" stories. Oh what joyful surprise to find out it isn't so and a delightfully believable Gibbs / Tony relationship. Congratulations on a work well done and thanks for a pleasant read![11]


  1. ^ starbuckssue. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  2. ^ pfyre. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  3. ^ ferneberga. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  4. ^ captain_tibbs. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  5. ^ Phaeton. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  6. ^ thecookiemomma. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  7. ^ Paige. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  8. ^ Keikokin. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  9. ^ sarcasticsarah. "comment". Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  10. ^ Cackymn. "comment". Archived from the original on 2018-10-31. Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.
  11. ^ Ishilit. "comment". Archived from the original on 2018-10-31. Retrieved 11 Dec 2016.