AURORA (Robert O'Reilly fan club)

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Fan Club
Dates: September 1992 until ??
Founder(s): Debbie Griffin
Leadership: Debbie Gfriffin and ???
Country based in:
Focus: Robert O'Reilly, Star Trek
External Links:
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.
Advertisement for AURORA, December 1994, published in The Science Fiction and Fantasy and Horror Fan Resource Book, p. 10.
Artwork by Mary Stacy MacDonald, The Science Fiction and Fantasy and Horror Fan Resource Book, December 1994, p. 6.

AURORA (Appreciation and Unity for the Robert O'Reilly Alliance) is an international Star Trek alliance formed in September 1992 by fan Debbie Griffin, with official written sanction of the actor Robert O'Reilly, who played the Klingon leader Gowron in Star Trek: The Next Generation.[1]


According to advertising material for AURORA that was published in The Science Fiction and Fantasy and Horror Fan Resource Book in December 1994:

Its primary goal... {is] to introduce fans to Star Trek and of Klingons in general, to their leader, Gowron, and the actor who portrays him. More recently, its goal has transcended into uniting Klingon and Star Fleet groups and clubs throughout the Unites States, Canada, and within the international market, in an effort of teamwork revolving around the Klingon concept of strength, honour, and courage.[1]


As of December 1994:

AURORA has grown steadily during the last two years, expanding its membership from east to west coast of the United States, up into Toronto and Montreal, Canada, and stretching across the Atlantic Ocean into German, Australia and Great Britain. AUROROA has as its base a ten-member committee, complete with an Advisory Board, and nine Regional Directors throughout the United States. It has its own computer experts, travel agent, photographer,illustrator, editor, printer, special events and membership staff, and a liaison to the Regional Directors.[1]


Ad for AURORA and Robert O'Reilly attending Concinnity 95 in Melbourne, Australia. Published in The Science Fiction and Fantasy and Horror Fan Resource Book, p. 56.
AURORA publishes its own newsletter four times a year, convention reports and updates, career and convention highlights, spotlights members of the committee, art work, stories, poems, etcetera. AURORA also sells autographed Gowron T-shirts and Gowron buttons, Gowron art work, and at certain times of the year, holds raffles (most recently, the 1994 Hallmark Klingon Bird of Prey Christmas ornament, Klingon pain sticks, Klingon posters, and so on).

AURORA runs fan club meetings at least four times a year at certain conventions, attended by members only, and has two membership drives a year. Mr O'Reilly often attends these meetings giving members a one-on-one opportunity of meeting him and talking to him.[1]


AURORA is proud of its `150 plus members from around the world, and, although small by some standards, looms larger than life among Klingons worldwide. It is a popular addition to Trek fandom and a lasting tribute to actor Robert O'Reilly - and, or course - Gowron as well.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e Debbie Griffin, 'AURORA: appreciating Robert O'Reilly and the Klingon Way", The Science Fiction and Fantasy and Horror Fan Resource Book, December 1994, p. 135.