99 Red Balloons

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Title: 99 Red Balloons
Creator: derry667
Date: August 2005
Format: WMV
Music: "9 Red Balloons" by Goldfinger
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
URL: offline (vid announcement)

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99 Red Balloons is a Stargate Atlantis fanvid by derry667. It was reviewed by lierdumoa on January 12, 2006 at the reel LJ community.

Vidder's summary: "Sheppard & McKay battle Wraith hiveships and a killer computer virus armed only with their wits, courage, skill and the occasional weapon of mass destruction..."


  • "I enjoyed this vid. Good technical mastery. Great beginning hook. Intriguing song choice. Narratively it dragged a bit. I had a difficult time telling if the vid was supposed to just be straight humor or humor mixed in with a deeper commentary on the show."[1] [2]
  • "One of my first and still favorite vid-experiences, this! Glorious! I've loved the song since I was frigging 8 years old, but that doesn't make my love for this vid a no-brainer. Because you make me smile this big *stretches out arms* and go YAY and Awwww whenever I watch it! So. Thanks for that :)"[3] [4] [5] [6]