You Can't Take the Sky Away from Me

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Title: You Can't Take the Sky Away from Me
Author(s): EverythingIsMagic
Date(s): 2009-2013
Length: 113,083 words
Genre(s): Adventure, Romance, Steampunk AU
Fandom(s): Hetalia: Axis Powers
External Links: On FanFiction.Net, On LiveJournal, On TV Tropes, Resource Post

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You Can't Take the Sky Away from Me is a Hetalia: Axis Powers fanfiction by EverythingIsMagic.


The fic is set in a Steampunk Alternate Universe, in which merchants, sky-pirates, and military pirates travel the skies. America Jones is a captain of the Avation Force, a branch of the world military. While on a mission, his plane unexpectedly breaks down and he is forced to land on a sky-pirate ship, where he meets its captain, England Kirkland. Despite their differing backgrounds and morals, America and England gradually form a close bond, and team up to fight against the Kosmider, a malevolent organization attempting to seize control of the skies by attacking pirate ships with a fleet of zepplins.