You're Salmoneus?!

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Title: You're Salmoneus?!
Publisher: DreamCatcher Press
Date(s): 1997
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Hercules: the Legendary Journeys
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You're Salmoneus?! is a 108-page gen Hercules: the Legendary Journeys anthology with stories by Linda Chapple and Angela Field.

It was originally published in the UK.

Sister Zines


  • Sales Pitch by Linda Chapple ("Salmoneus tries to sell a few...artefacts with a sales pitch all his own." -- Excerpt: "Size is relative, as a certain blond hunter of my acqaintance would be only too happy to inform you ...") (3 pages)
  • What I Did On My Vacation by Angela Field ("What looks like a nice vacation for Hercules and Iolaus turns into a battle for survival as mercenaries attack the fort in which they and a few hundred other innocent people are staying." -- Excerpt: "With a tremendous crash, a gap appeared in the wall several feet away from the main doors and through the smoke loomed a tall, flame shadowed figure. The ragged cheers that went up from the fire-fighters silenced Charys and Salmoneous and they stopped glaring at each other to look round as Hercules staggered from the burning stables with Iolaus lying limp in his arms...") (60 pages)
  • Stalk Like An Egyptian by Angela Field ("A Mummy wants Iolaus and Hercules, with the help and the hindrance of Salmoneus, try to stop it." -- Excerpt: "Iolaus wasn't sure what happened next. He heard what he thought was Hercules bellow his name then the mummy lurched suddenly as something hit it from behind. It dropped the hunter and Iolaus sprawled, his entire body feeling as limp as if he had run from Athens to Sparta as he passed out ...") (34 pages)
  • Scene From Above by Angela Field ("Iolaus takes a bath - unaware that he is being observed by several deities who are taking great delight in his mortal form." -- Excerpt: "Sinking down to shoulder level in the hot water, Iolaus eyed the ceiling curiously. Maybe it was the steam causing odd reflections, but it looked very strange. Almost as if the whole room was underwater. Still, as long as it didn't fall in, he was enjoying himself too much to care. Singing happily to himself, he started to soap his shoulders ...") (5 pages)

Reactions and Reviews

You're Hercules, You're Iolaus, and You're Salmoneus. DreamCatcher Press Gen rated G-PG13

I ordered these three zines on a whim and found them to be definitely worth the money. The stories are all by either Linda Chapple or Angela Field, and all are nicely plotted well-written adventure stories. They are definitely Iolaus-centric, but there's plenty of Herc too, and both authors have a good grasp of the relationship between the two characters. Our two heroes fight lots of monsters, find themselves in some terribly tense situations, and kick lots of butt.

These zines were originally published in Britain, but the authors have done a good job of catching the American feel of Herc and Iolaus' dialog. A few Britishisms crept in occasionally, but frankly I was enjoying the stories so much that I didn't mind. I'd be hard pressed to choose favorites, but I think Chapple's story "The Flowers of Tartarus," where Herc is poisoned by one of Hera's monsters and Iolaus has to search for the cure in Tartarus, and Field's "Stalk Like an Egyptian" where Hercules, Iolaus and Salmoneus return to Attica and run into their old friend the Mummy, which decides it wants Iolaus as a sacrifice are stand-outs.[1]
