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Fanfiction Mailing List
Name: ynm_fanfic
Date(s): 2000 - 2019
Moderated: No
Moderators/List Maintainers:
Fandom: Yami no Matsuei
Scope: Fanfiction
URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ynm_fanfic/info (defunct)
archive link from 2001
archive link from 2020
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ynm_fanfic was a fanfiction mailing list in Yami no Matsuei fandom.


Welcome to the Yami no Matsuei Fanfiction Mailing List. All genres are ok. But if you are posting Yaoi or BL genres, please highlight it by putting Yaoi or shonen ai in your message title. This ML is for fanfiction etc. Please post ALL other news etc at the main site. If you are commenting here or at the main YnM ML, remember to label [FC] Fic Comment. Thanks!

Our main YnM ML is at http://www.egroups.com/group/yami_no_matsuei

(this is to help to tidy up the clutter.. I know it is quite bothersome... gomen!)

The list had 571 member in 2020. It was active during the 2000s, and goes defunct with the closure of Yahoo! Groups. It's sister list was yami_no_matsuei.