X-Y-Z Files

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Title: X-Y-Z Files
Author(s): Tony Anderson and Lorren Bell
Date(s): 8 Aug 1994
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: archived here

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X-Y-Z Files is an X-Files story by Tony Anderson and Lorren Bell. It was written in script form.

It was posted to alt.tv.x-files.creative in August 1994, and was one of the first stories posted there.

Author's Summary

The following is a script written as a parody of the TV series "The X-Files". It is called, "The X-Y-Z Files" and is about Agent Moldy and his partner Agent Sullied and their investigation of a UFO landing in a nearby park. Of course a slight miss-communication from Deep Throat sends the investigation off and running!

The parody will be filmed (on Hi8 video) at the end of August 1994 and plans are to have it ready by October-November at the latest. Give it a

read-through and let us know what you think; anything you think might make a good addittion [sic], let us know, there's still time to work it in! ToNy (August 7, 1994)
