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Name: Writer168
Alias(es): a ninja, The Pancake Croc
Type: Fanwriter
Fandoms: Naruto
Communities: Discord, AO3, Tumblr
URL: [1] Tumblr

[2] Wattpad

[3] AO3
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Writer168 is a highly popular fanfiction author in the Naruto fandom. They joined Wattpad on October 1st 2011 and fanfic.net July 4th 2012. Several of their stories have amassed over a million reads. Particularly their stories Stumble, Otokage, and Darkest Before Dawn. [1]

They are known to write and favor the titular character Haruno Sakura, as most of their Naruto fanfiction is about her. They've been accredited to paving the way for other Haruno Sakura fanfics to be written due to inspiration. They have maintained being a popular fanfic writer for the Naruto fandom. Their go to beta reader has been OfCloves.[2]

Personality & other

Writer168 is known to be friendly, funny, sassy, and cheerful online. They have always encouraged others to write and share their love for their stories.

Question: what are your thoughts on inner Sakura? As in she's a different person, or is she Sakura's real thoughts and feelings? Writer168: i think my favorite interpretation of her would have to be a mix of the two! inner definitely is Sakura's real thoughts and feelings, but they've manifested so strongly that somehow she's created this other more powerful being in her head - any maybe "being" is a strong word, but Kishimoto can't just have inner throw Ino out of a landscape where she's at her most powerful and not acknowledge the fact that Sakura's got something legitimately terrifying crawling around in her head.

-Writer168 stating their opinion on one of the characters, Haruno Sakura. [3]

Notable Works

Wrtier168 most notable work began with Stumble, which reached over a million reads on Wattpad. The first of many of their stories to do so.

Otokage (Published 2013)

Stumble (Published 2013)

Darkest Before Dawn (Published 2013)

Fanart created for Wrtier168


Class Clown by Artist delicatementalitydonut

Cut Ear by Artist delicatementalitydonut

fanart cover Eight by Artist Caleb Crow

Known Quotes

"The Weak Are Meat. The Strong Eat."


  1. ^ Writer168 Wattpad Profile
  2. ^ OfCloves Wattpad Profile
  3. ^ Wrtier168 Tumblr