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Name: Wizrocklopedia
Owner/Maintainer: Lizz Clements (founder)
Russ Benoit (formerly)
various (currently)
Dates: September 2006 - present
Type: wizard rock resource
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: www.wizrocklopedia.com (currently unavailable)
wizrocklopedia on Twitter
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The Wizrocklopedia is a website devoted to "celebrating, promoting, and exploring wizard rock."[1] It provides an introduction to wizard rock, news, and an index of several hundred bands.

Starting in 2010, Wizrocklopedia started having hosting issues. The site was down for a long period but returned in March 2012 after receiving donations from fans.[2] Over the years, the site’s activity and the status of the server waned and resurged several times, with the most recent relaunch in July 2020[3]

Many pages from the original Wizrocklopedia can be accessed through the Wayback Machine.[4]

The Wizrocklopedia is currently managed by a small group of editors.[5]

In July 2023, the website received a new look, with its theme being transformed to a modern, mobile-friendly format with a new colour scheme.[6]

Music Archive

In December 2016, the Wizrocklopedia began collaborating with bands to store music on Bandcamp, making them available for free download. The goal of this archive was to preserve music that otherwise may have been lost due to the fall of MySpace and the costs of hosting music on platforms like iTunes[7].

As of September 2022, the archive contains 83 albums from more than 30 artists.[8]

Wizrocklopedia Compilation Club

In 2021, the Wizrocklopedia launched the Wizrocklopedia Compilation Club (‘Pedia Comp Club)[9], a digital subscription to four wizard rock compilation albums per year. Each quarterly release is centered around a particular theme and includes around 10 songs from 10 different artists.

The ‘Pedia Comp Club returned in 2022.[10]

The released albums are:[11]

  1. Back to the Beginning (10 Mar 2021)
  2. Wizard Rock Around the World (30 June 2021)
  3. Let's Get Loud! (15 Sept 2021)
  4. A Tribute to Lauren Fairweather (10 Dec 2021)
  5. Alphabet Soup: an LGBTQIA+ Comp (10 Mar 2022)
  6. Wizard Rock Revival (15 June 2022)
  7. First Years: New to Hogwarts (11 Sept 2022)
  8. A Tribute to How Airplanes Fly (21 Dec 2022)

Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Jam

Since August 2020, the Wizrocklopedia website has hosted a monthly creative challenge entitled Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Jam[12]. The goal is to inspire fans to create fanworks, including but limited to wizard rock, centered around a particular theme.
