Without Fear

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Title: Without Fear
Author(s): Scala
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Without Fear is a Sentinel story by Scala.

Reactions and Reviews

After TSbyBS, Blair basically falls apart and Jim isn't doing much better. Eventually Blair runs away from home, though in this instance he's doing it before he and Jim can damage their relationship beyond repair. Can Jim cope without a guide? And can Blair heal himself enough to give him and Jim a shot?

This fic has eight parts and I'm warning you now that the first three are really tough for me to get through. If you have a higher tolerance than I do for the hurt part of hurt/comfort (and, really, who doesn't?) you probably won't find them so grim, but if you are as wussy as I am, just know that things will get much better.

The hurt aside, this is a great fic. The writing is good, the characterizations are different (though possibly more accurate than usual considering the level of stress these guys are going through), and I absolutely adore the fact that a) Blair and Jim are given sufficient time to heal and b) Blair proves himself capable of taking care of himself without Jim. This level of self-sufficiency in both men is my favorite part of the fic -- they may not be particularly happy alone, but they aren't so co-dependent that it's impossible for them to survive without the other. Overall a solid post-series fic that is particularly good when it's focusing on Blair's personal growth.[1]

It's long, plotty, angsty, hot, full of misunderstandings and has two of the most well-rounded, complicated Jim and Blairs I've had the pleasure of reading.[2]

This story was so painfully one-sided I wanted to weep for Jim the entire time. Jim has to do all the begging, all the patient waiting, all the understanding, all the adoring. Blair disappears without letting him know where he is or that he's even alive, leaving Jim without any help with his senses as he swore he wouldn't, leaving Jim confused and in pain for a year, and then when Jim finally manages to track down Blair, Blair apparently doesn't care enough to ask (and find out) how Jim has been suffering with this senses, which of course go crazy at times because he just needs Blair so damned much.

And then they finally become lovers, and Jim begs him to come back, Blair says no, and then when Jim offers to give up his life and move to be with Blair, Blair still says no, and then he cancels their plans for Jim to fly down for a visit (without explaining why, just that he needs "space") and then suddenly Blair disappears again, without explanation, in spite of their agreement, and breaks Jim's heart again, and then when Blair shows up, all of a sudden Jim is all happy. Oh, yay. Oh how satisfying that Blair deigned to return. With an "oops, sorry" that doesn't acknowledge any of Jim's pain and patience, without Jim having any resentment for what Blair put him through or receiving any real caring from Blair, or having any release for all his pain.

Don't read this unless you like to watch Blair torture Jim for a year and a half while he works out his "issues" and Jim gets nothing at all from Blair, who supposedly adores him (if that's adoration, I'll take door #2.)

Oh, and Blair never makes love to Jim. It's always the other way around.[3]

I liked this fic a lot which is WHY I recommended it. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone to the trouble.

"Without Fear" had two imperfect people trying to do their best with difficult situations, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing.

I like to read a more-or-less perfect Jim and Blair screwing up in small ways and cleaning up the mess later.

I like to read them screwing up in big ways and cleaning up the mess later.

I'd hate to read a fic that had major screw-ups that have no possibility of being resolved. THAT would be a fic I wouldn't finish reading, not even to complain about it later.

But to me, "Without Fear" has two people both with very human faults and pretty massive issues, making mistakes, being unfair to each other at times, trying to figure stuff out sometimes at the expense of others and hoping to find their way home. I have enough faith in them to know they'll be fine.

But hey, like with reading any fic, your mileage will vary.

And if it inspires people to bother to comment, then maybe my work here is done.[4]


  1. ^ 2010 comments at Epic Recs
  2. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van