Wisdom Truth

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Title: Wisdom Truth
Author(s): Elessar
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Wisdom Truth by Professionals story by Elessar.

It was published in Priority A-3 #1.

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Doyle needs dental surgery for impacted wisdom teeth. The dentist mistakenly gives him Pentothal as an anesthetic. Under the influence, Doyle makes a pass at Bodie and tells him he loves him. Bodie puts him off but then decides to give Doyle what he wants because Doyle had really gotten him going. However, by that time Doyle has fallen asleep. The next morning Doyle doesn't remember what happened. Bodie thinks about it all day and realizes he loves Doyle too. He tells Doyle what happened and they declare their love for each other. The scene in the car where Bodie is driving Doyle home while Doyle is under the influence of the drug is hilarious. Doyle is all over Bodie, trying to seduce him and acting sappy and out of character, while Bodie is doing his best to fend him off and keep the car on the road. Then when Doyle finds out what he did and said his embarrassment is very amusing. [1]


  1. ^ from Metabolick at The Hatstand